Slightly less basic Perl6 module management

This is meant to answer some of the reoccurring questions I've seen in #perl6 about module management. Solutions use the Perl6 package manager called Zef

Q) Install a module to a custom/non-default location?
A) Use the install command with the --install-to parameter

zef --install-to=inst#/my/custom/location install My::Module

Q) I installed a module to a custom location, but rakudo doesn't see it?
A) Set the PERL6LIB env variable or -I flag accordingly

PERL6LIB="inst#/my/custom/location" perl6 -e "use Text::Table::Simple; say 'ok'"

perl6 -Iinst#/my/custom/location -e "use Text::Table::Simple; say 'ok'"

Q) Uninstall a module installed to a custom/non-default location?
A) Use the uninstall command with the --from parameter

zef --from=inst#/my/custom/location uninstall My::Module

Q) Install a module from a uri instead of a name?
A) JFDI - Many extraction formats are supported by default, and others can easily be added

zef install
zef install
zef install

Q) Install dependencies when the top level module fails to install?
A) Use the --serial flag in addition to the install command

# Without --serial any dependencies of My::Module would only be installed if
# My::Module passes its build/test phase (even if the dependencies pass their tests)

zef --serial install My::Module 

Q) Use TAP6 instead of prove?
A1) Temporarily disable the services that are configured to be used first via a CLI flag (--/$service-short-name>)

zef --/prove --/default-tester install My::Module
zef --/prove --/default-tester test My::Module

A2) Open resources/config.json and reorder the entries under Test so Zef::Service::TAP is first (or the only)

"Test" : [
        "short-name" : "tap-harness",
        "module" : "Zef::Service::TAP",

Q) Find out what this SHA1 string from an error message is?
A) Use the locate command with the --sha1 flag

zef --sha1 locate A9948E7371E0EB9AFDF1EEEB07B52A1B75537C31

Q) How do I search/install/etc specific versions or verion ranges?
A) The same way you'd use it in Perl6 code

zef search "CSV::Parser:ver<2.*>"
===> Found 0 results

zef search "CSV::Parser:ver<0.*>"
===> Found 2 results